
By becoming a member of the Libertarian Party of Canada, you are sending a strong message for Less Government, Lower Taxes and More Freedom.

Advantages of becoming a voting member include:

  • Contribute to the policies and direction of the party at the local level and during conventions.
  • Vote to elect the Directors at Large for the Board of Directors, the Leader and Deputy Leader at convention.
  • Get involved at the local level with an Electoral District Association (EDA) and nominate or become a candidate!
  • Keep up to date with party events and activities

By agreeing to the following principles and paying current membership fees, you agree to become a member of Libertarian Party of Canada:

  1. I wish to be a member of the Libertarian Party of Canada
  2. I support the principles of the Libertarian Party of Canada
  3. I hereby certify that I believe in and promise to uphold the Statement of Principles of the Libertarian Party of Canada

No fees shall be refunded except by reason of a change in the Statement of Principles (By-Laws, Article 1, Section 1)


1 Year Membership

3 Year Membership

5 Year Membership