Support the LPoC

We need your support to continue to be the voice of personal freedom and responsibility for over 50 years!

Every three years, registered parties and eligible parties must provide the Chief Electoral Officer with the names and addresses of 250 electors who are members of their party. The Triennial Confirmation exercise is required so that political parties retain their official status.

Earlier this year we mailed you a form to complete and send back to the Party. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ALREADY SENT IT BACK. YOU DO NOT NEED TO SEND IT AGAIN. If you did not receive your form, please email us immediately at [email protected] with your current address and we will send it to you.

You can also scan or take a picture of the signed form and email it back to the party.

  1. Print the form available at
  2. Complete the full name of the political party (Libertarian Party of Canada).
  3. Select Type 2 - Existing Registered or Eligible Political Party.
  4. Sign and date in ink (electronic signatures will be rejected by Elections Canada).
  5. Complete your member information (this will help us update our database as well).
  6. Scan or take a picture of the completed form and send it to [email protected]

We appreciate your effort to help the Libertarian Party of Canada continue to be the voice of personal freedom and responsibility for over 50 years! Keep an eye out for upcoming events and opportunities to connect with other Libertarian Party of Canada members this year.

Thank You,
Jacques Y Boudreau
Leader, Libertarian Party of Canada