Leaderboards are a great way to acknowledge your most valuable supporters. When someone RSVPs for an event, donates, or recruits their friends to sign up, they will earn virtual currency. You can then create a leaderboard ranking the people with the most currency to foster others to step up. Leaderboards update automatically. Learn more about virtual currency and leaderboards.
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+117828sc of 5000sc earned social capital goal
Top 10 Most earned political capital
1Edward Gao +1140sc earned social capital1
2Coreen Corcoran +798sc earned social capital2
3Robert Wayne McLaren +754sc earned social capital3
4Colin Korol +738sc earned social capital4
5Jamie Smith +613sc earned social capital5
6Wendy Kadonoff +604sc earned social capital6
7Thomas Roenne +589sc earned social capital7
8art lowe +587sc earned social capital8
9Blaine Bilocerkowec +554sc earned social capital9
10Ryan Penner +550sc earned social capital10